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Choosing a Riveting Machine

A Riveting machine is used to automatically set rivets and provide a more consistent and efficient process than manual methods. These machines can also help reduce labor and production costs. There are many types of riveting machines, each with their own distinct characteristics and applications. Understanding the different types and uses of these machines will help manufacturers select the right model for their needs.

The main difference between welding and riveting is that welding creates a permanent and rigid joint, while riveting produces a less rigid but still strong connection. Welding is more versatile than riveting, and is used in a wide variety of manufacturing applications. However, it is more expensive and requires more training to use. For these reasons, many companies choose to use rivets where possible, and only weld when it is necessary.

There are a number of different types of riveting machines, each designed to handle different materials and sizes of rivets. The type of riveting machine you need will depend on your assembly process requirements, such as the quality of the finished joint and the cycle time required to complete the assembly. The space available for the machine, the plant utilities available, and the amount of automation you need are also important factors to consider when choosing a riveting machine.

Self-piercing riveting machines use a special forming tool to spread the rivet head in one contact motion, rather than hammering it into place. This method is considered a ‘clean’ process and does not emit fumes during production. It is suitable for a wide range of materials, including mixed and aluminium.

Impact riveting machines set the rivet by driving it downwards through the materials to be joined and onto a forming tool called a rollset. This action causes the end of the rivet to flare out, which joins the materials together. The fast cycle times of impact riveting make this a popular choice for businesses that need to complete high volumes of work quickly.

Radial or spiralform riveting machines use a similar technique to orbital forming but are typically more compact and can be used on small-sized rivets. This type of riveting is suitable for a variety of materials and can be particularly useful in situations where a stable hinge is needed.

Spin riveting machines are not as powerful as impact riveting machines, but they can be used on delicate and brittle materials as well as sensitive electronic components. These machines deform the rivet shaft using weak pressure, making it more suitable for hinges that need to move.

Quality assurance systems can be built into a riveting machine to monitor the quality of the finished product and ensure compliance with specified standards. These systems use dedicated sensors to measure the setting force and punch movement, generating a force-displacement curve that is compared against a trained reference curve. If the curve matches the reference, the product is approved for release. If it does not, the system will flag it for attention or may even halt the process.

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