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Why Online Gambling at Home Can Be More Addictive Than Sex!

For the last few generations we have come to the conclusion that sex can become an addiction. Gambling too has been addiction for a long time but when we talk about online gambling it is an addiction which is only now catching fire.

People have always believed that the best thing to do at home is to have sex. There are many reasons for this. Sex at home means complete privacy. You know there won’t be anyone peeping inside your house and disturbing you. Sex at home also means absolute comfort. The old saying ‘home sweet home’ is so apt in this situation. Since you know every nook and corner of your house, it is the most comfortable place too. No other bed in the world can be as comfortable as your bed.

The latest craze in the world of the internet is online gambling. Most regular online gamblers feel that online gambling is definitely more interesting and addictive than sex and they don’t have just a reason or two to support their point of view.

So, what is it that makes online gambling from home so irresistible?

1. The adrenalin rush: – Sex is said to give a couple such a great adrenalin rush. This rush is just for a few seconds when we talk about sex. In online gambling, winning cash gives you an adrenalin rush. This rush is such a great rush as it doesn’t last for a few seconds but it continues till Lady Luck shines on you.

2. No sweat and no mess: – Sex is always best when it is steaming hot but that means a lot of sweat, stickiness and even stench. Gambling online is absolutely hassle free. All you have to do is to enjoy yourself with no clean up afterward.

3. Money in flow: – When you have sex, there is a lot of money spent. In case your partner is not in a mood or is upset about something, then it may fall upon you to spend money on some roses or presents to cheer them up. It is a must that you use some protection and for that you will have to go out to buy it. Online gambling on the other hand involves no such expenditure. You have no need to travel outside, need not dress up and need not pay anyone. Apart from all of this if you win then there is the bonus of a cash influx.

4. No wastage of time: – For sex you need to cajole and woo your partner into that mood. In online gambling whenever you want to gamble just switch on your computer and you can start almost instantly.

5. No dress code: – when you have sex to get into the feel of it you will have to dress up in sexy outfits and you should be presentable at that time. While gambling online all you have to wear is something that you are comfortable in it doesn’t need any dressing up or show.

6. Alone or not, no problems: – For sex it is a must that you have your partner. To gamble online you need no one, you can still gamble. Even if a group of friends are around you, it will not affect you and gambling with friends can be a whole lot of fun. Sunday

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