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Why You Should Outsource Photo Editing

Outsourcing photo editing can be one of the smartest things a photographer can do to improve their business. It gives them more bandwidth, optimizes their business processes, and can help them save costs – it’s a win-win-win situation.

Many photographers find that they have an emotional attachment to their work – which can lead them to over-edit. It’s important to set realistic expectations for your clients and to let go of perfectionism. Done is better than perfect, and a good outsourcing partner will know how to edit your photos quickly and efficiently without losing quality.

Professional product photographers regularly outsource to virtual assistants, accountants and second shooters – and hiring a retoucher is a smart way to increase your productivity while improving your business’s bottom line. It eliminates a bottleneck in your workflow and allows you to take on more clients per week, while still making a profit.

There are several different ways to outsource retouching services – you can hire an in-house team, or choose to work with individual contractors, or even with a company that specializes in providing photo retouching for photographers. The advantage of working with a firm is that they have a dedicated team of retouchers who specialize in specific types of edits – so the quality of your images will be consistent and fast.

Another benefit of outsourcing retouching is that you can choose to charge on a per image or per hour basis. It’s best to determine a rate with your client beforehand, so that there is no confusion over the price of editing an image. outsource photo editing

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